Neurosurgeon Recommends Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy Back Pain

For many women, pregnancy is a wonderful experience. There are, however, many changes and challenges the mom-to-be can expect, and back pain is one of them. The development of back pain during pregnancy primarily relates to the weight gain associated with the growing fetus. The extra weight gained adds stress to the pregnant woman’s spine. The discs or cushions within …

Piriformis Syndrome: A Pain in Your Butt

Patients come into my office bent over in severe pain, often leaning on their spouse for support and staggering to walk.  Sometimes they had experienced this pain before, and had a MRI that showed bulging discs. The discs may not be the culprit. The piriformis muscle is a small muscle in your buttock area that lies underneath the larger gluteus …

Sciatica Relief

Sciatica is a term that describes symptoms of pain, numbness, and/or weakness that radiates down the leg. The symptoms usually follow along the sciatic nerve, which starts in the lower back and goes down to the buttocks and leg.  Another term for sciatica is lumbar radiculopathy. The vast majority of sciatica symptoms result from lower back disorders between the L4 …

Chiropractic Care Treats the Cause

Please don’t settle for masking the symptoms.  Chiropractic removes interference and nerve irritation in your spine, allowing the body to heal itself.

New hope for people suffering from whiplash, concussions and head trauma.

Whiplash injuries, concussions, and head trauma from auto accidents and contact sports, can result in a condition called cranio-cervical syndrome.  The trauma can cause mis-alignment of the Occiput (base of skull), the Atlas (first neck vertebra) and the Axis (the second neck vertebra). The most common symptoms are pressure headaches, neck pain, vertigo, concentration and memory problems, nausea, loss of …