New hope for people suffering from whiplash, concussions and head trauma.

Whiplash injuries, concussions, and head trauma from auto accidents and contact sports, can result in a condition called cranio-cervical syndrome.  The trauma can cause mis-alignment of the Occiput (base of skull), the Atlas (first neck vertebra) and the Axis (the second neck vertebra).

The most common symptoms are pressure headaches, neck pain, vertigo, concentration and memory problems, nausea, loss of balance, ringing in the ears, facial pain, difficulty walking, and sudden dropping of things from the hands.

We utilize advanced digital x-rays, Upright MRI scan, and a thorough chiropractic and neurological evaluation to identify the cause of your symptoms.

We provide gentle atlas-specific, upper-cervical chiropractic treatment that can re-align the atlas, axis, and occiput into the orthogonal or normal position.


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